Friday 27 July 2012

Something changed

10 + 1 reasons why I love and hate Twitter
1. I Love Twitter because it opened up a whole new bank of people for me to get to know.
2. I have chatted to some fantastic people over the past two or so years. Some of these people I have had the pleasure to meet and are now my real life friends - for this I am über grateful as without Twitter I would never have met them. Some of you I haven't yet had the pleasure to meet but I love catching up with you on Twitter, and there's still time.
3. Twitter has allowed me to miss a lot of crap TV/mindless sports/football because all I need to do is read my TL. Much more fun and quicker too freeing up valuable minutes for other important things :) also allowing me to join in conversations in the real world like I know what I'm talking about (that secrets out)
4. I love that I can dip in and out of Twitter as and when I chose to and it isn't forced upon me. With that comes the lack of pressure and guilt you feel when you know you should pay more attention to your real life friends but you're so damn busy and before you know it it's flipping Christmas *sigh*
With Twitter this isn't so and I like that :)
5. I can re type my comments before sending them thus thinking before I speak....something I can't seem to get a handle on in real life therefore frequently offending people ;)
6. I feel I cannot always say what I want to because Twitter is too politically correct. For me Twitter should be a platform where people can say what they want and how they want (as long as it isn't directed at someone), however my experience is not so.
7. Twitter has grown itself a culture of being the moral police. 1 person expresses their opinion and wham the whole of twitter disagrees and starts @'ing this person relentlessly.
8. I have started to find Twitter a bit of a bully and I don't like it! We all shout loudly about not bullying but here we are on Twitter doing just that when we disagree with someone by RT'ing what they say so our 'twitter friends' can join in on the onslaught of this person. I think this is bullying. Replying to someone about their opinion is one thing but this seems to progress into name calling, 'slagging off', viciously attacking en mass etc because we like the support of our 'twitter friends'. if you don't like what someone has said you have several options available other than to join in. Try unfollowing, blocking, just not reading it!!!
9. Attacking celebrities on Twitter seems to have become the norm of late. This then spreads into their careers and all over the news! Really? And I mean, REALLY? What kind of society are we living in when we are not allowed to express an opinion because we fear it may not meet everyone's approval?
10. We are all of us different, with different opinions, different ways of expressing ourselves and sometimes this may just offend. But be honest with yourself Twitter, do we really really need to resort to playground tactics?
+1. I love the diversity of Twitter :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone